Sam Mortenson for Indiana State Senator

Mortenson Family

Fellow Patriots,

My heart is so full right now because I have so many reasons that have compelled me to enter this election. For many of you that I have had the privilege of speaking with over the past few days, you have learned that about me very quickly. This letter is an attempt to condense all those reasons down to just a few of my main motivators, so that you can have the convenience of getting to know a little about me on your own time.

"Responsibility is our response based on our ability."

Four weeks ago, I was in Austin, Texas for the 2023 Inaugural Military Veterans/Constitution Coaches Congress put on by Patriot Academy. It was a mock legislative event designed to train every day, working Americans how to be effective and efficient on the legislative floor. When I graduated, I felt like I had just walked out of legislative boot camp. I had no idea that less than 30 days later the need would arise for someone to quickly pick up the torch of freedom and hold the line on the Indiana Senate floor. My motivation for attending that event was simply to sharpen my skills and develop a more mature understanding of how to effectively represent my beliefs and values. On the flight home, I spent a significant amount of time thinking and reflecting over my lessons and experiences at Patriot Academy. My whole goal going into the academy was to see how fast and effectively I could become one of the most influential legislators on the senate floor by adopting the mantra,

“Learn the rules of the game and then play better than anyone else!”
- Albert Einstein.

One of my coaches once told me to always try to be the player that everyone wants on their team because of your work ethic, attitude, and skill level. Based on all the feedback I received from my teachers and fellow legislative students, I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that if I ever was asked to serve in that capacity, I could not only “hold the line” for conservative values—but I could also be a conduit to take back ground we have lost to the aggressive Leftist agenda. However, I also knew how much sacrifice it would require of my family—which along with my relationship with Jesus Christ, is what I treasure the most in this world! I have worked extremely hard since I was very young to just make it in business for myself and be able to properly take care of my family and loved ones. I haven't arrived, but I have come a long way from where I started back in 2006, when I first opened my grounds maintenance business. Over the past several years, I have scaled back and downsized for the main reason of having adequate family time with my wife Danessa, who is 38 weeks pregnant, and our 19-month-old twin girls, Reagan and Liberty. I never wanted to be the dad who worked all the time and was absent from his family. My wife and I were just talking a few weeks ago about how excited we are for our upcoming business off season (which just so happens to be the same time the Indiana Senate is in session each year) and how we want to invest and enjoy a lot of family time.

Patriot Academy Coach Certificate

When I heard that State Senator Chip Perfect had resigned, I was shocked! As my schedule has allowed, I've been able to attend Dearborn County Republican events held, but outside of that I haven't been heavily involved in Dearborn County politics. As I stood at the kitchen counter holding my daughter Reagan, I pondered over how many fellow patriots, if any, would step up to the plate and offer to finish out this senate term strong, for District 43. I do not know all the reasons as to why Chip has resigned so suddenly, but I am extremely grateful that he has at least lined up someone else he feels can finish the term we the people elected him to. However, I personally dislike appointments to public office. I feel like hard earned elections produce far better public servants, which is what I want more of in our Great Republic! I wondered if anyone else was even in a position in life to enter this last-minute election and be a serious contender for the office of Indiana State Senator. I thought to myself, “Surely several well-qualified candidates will step up to the plate. I don't need to get involved.” But then I thought, “What if no one does? What if all the other hard working, family focused, freedom loving Americans had the same thoughts?”

As my knowledge of our Founding Fathers has grown over the years, I am continually impressed at the patriotic love and sacrifice they all demonstrated, not just with their words but more importantly with their actions! Many people I hear today, talk about how this country is doomed and all is lost. They think that although our Founding Fathers birthed this great & exceptional republic, history is destined to repeat itself and the 250-year lifespan/demise of nations throughout history is nearing our great land. I don't know what the future holds. But I absolutely believe that Almighty God has given us free will and expects us to steward what has been entrusted to us. I believe it is time for a new type of father to arise in this nation. I call them Freedom Fathers. Normal, everyday people who are committed to sacrificing for the good of their country not for any kind of personal gain, but just simply because they love her. Freedom fathers! Liberty Lovers! That's what we need so desperately!

What separates a politician from a patriot is that a politician benefits from the good of their country and a patriot will sacrifice for the good of their country. Whether you like him or not, Donald Trump has exemplified this great sacrifice personally for the nation. People can slander him all they want, but ask yourself, who else is sacrificing as much as he is in our country right now?

It is my heart's desire to be an amazing father to my children. I believe that is one of the greatest accomplishments a man can achieve! It is far more impressive than great success in business or high achievement in athletics.

It is also my heart's desire to be a great "Freedom Father" to this nation. To achieve either one is a lifetime commitment.

So, there I was, torn! Still holding my daughter Reagan, my daughter Liberty waddled up and grabbed my leg. As I stooped to pick her up, I felt like I was holding the future of this great nation in my arms! Its 2:35 am Tuesday morning, September 5th, 2023, as I sit here writing with fresh tears on my cheeks remembering this moment just a few shorts days ago. I realized right then and there that I didn't have a choice. I had to offer to serve! If I was a real father to my girls, I had to step up, knowing I was fully prepared to put on my work clothes and get to work—although this time instead of just working to serve my customers and provide for my beautiful wife and children, it was time for me to offer to do this task for the sake of my state and country that I love so much! I knew that if I truly love those two beautiful, precious angels that I held in my arms, I had to do what it takes to provide for them by helping secure their future as well as their needs right now. I had to be and act as both their physical father, and a Freedom Father!

Friday morning, I started work early at a customer's house with my crew, where we did a complete removal of a large maple tree. We completed the project with excellence for another happy customer! Drenched in sweat, I jump in the truck & hurried home, showered, threw on a suit, grabbed a quick bite while heading out the door for the drive to Indianapolis. I made it in time to file for the election before they closed for the holiday weekend. I truly hope more people enter the race so that those voting have plenty of options to pick who they feel in their heart to be the best candidate. And If no one else enters this race, I hope that those eligible to vote will do the work to get to know all the candidates and all show up to cast their ballot. I spoke with another Indiana State senator last week who informed me that these caucus elections often have very low voter turnout & the individual selected is often done so by only 5-10 votes. I believe that every vote matters in every election. From a precinct committee all the way up to the oval office. I just hope enough other folks feel the same way.

It is my absolute honor to have been able to connect with so many of you over the past few days. I hope there is enough time to meet each of you in person before the election. District 43 spans 6 counties. Starting down in Jefferson, over to Scott, up to Jennings, across to Switzerland, up to Ohio and Dearborn. Only 114 Precinct committee chairs are eligible to vote at 7 PM on September 12 at the Dillsboro Indiana Civic Center. 50% plus 1 is the winner. Your vote absolutely counts in this election!

God bless each of you! God bless these United States of America & God bless this Great State of Indiana!

Samuel David Mortenson